Agricultural Loader – Also Known As front-end loader or FEL – is also an attachment for farming tractors. FEL is designed especially for agricultural tractors and newer models of these loaders can work with almost any farming tractor ranging from 50 to mighty HP of 85 and beyond.

Depending on the size of the front end loader, any instrument can be easily moved around the farm. Whether it’s heavy loads dirt, gravel, woodchips, hay or even manure, loading and unloading a ton has never been easier.

This instrument is so useful that its variations are also used in other industries, the most notable example being construction machinery. And though there are different kinds of this equipment available, Aeco Export Company specifically deals in farming loaders since Aeco primarily supplies equipment related to agriculture.

Our loaders are multipurpose, rugged and powerful. They are also diverse being able to be attached with a tractor for loading, unloading, moving and even crushing materials.

For more information about agricultural loaders, please contact us.


Specifications & Details

Tractor compatibility

Bucket type
closed earth bucket with digging teeth
Bucker volume
1 cubic meter
0.5 cubic meter
Lifting time
3-6 seconds
Max. Lift Capacity
1000 kg
Lift ram
2, Double acting
Lift height at pivot point
Lift height at pivot point
Lift height at pivot point
Bucket Ram
Single, Double acting